Hello World!

It is with great pleasure that I can finally say I have my website up! I had thought about creating a website as an undergraduate and as a first-year graduate student, but unfortunately I didn’t have the time (and perhaps the patience) to learn how to code in HTML or learn how to use other website platforms such as WordPress, Google Sites, or BlogSpot. Nonetheless, I heard about SquareSpace and deemed that its ease of use was worth the price (plus I got a student discount).

I’m hoping this website can serve as a place where I can share my thoughts, advice, and experiences as both a current graduate student and beyond. There is a part of me that wishes I had done this sooner, but as the old saying goes, “Better late that never!”.

Kyle Kabasares
  • Physics PhD

  • Data Scientist at the Bay Area Environmental Research Institute at NASA Ames Research Center

  • San Francisco Native


Pre-Veteran's Day Weekend Reflection