This page contains information regarding the peer-reviewed journal publications that I am a co-author on.

Refereed Publications

  1. “Black Hole Mass Measurements in Early-Type Galaxies NGC 1380 and NGC 6861 through ALMA and HST Observations and Gas-Dynamical Modeling.” K. M. Kabasares, A. J. Barth, D. A. Buote, B. D. Boizelle, J. L. Walsh, A. J. Baker, J. Darling, L. C. Ho, J. Cohn. 2022, The Astrophysical Journal, 934, 162. (paper link)

  2. "An ALMA Gas-dynamical Mass Measurement of the Supermassive Black Hole in the Local Compact Galaxy UGC 2698.” J. Cohn, J. L. Walsh, B. D. Boizelle, A. J. Barth, K. Gebhardt, K. Gültekin, A. Yıldırım, D. A. Buote, J. Darling, A. J. Baker, L. C. Ho, K. M. Kabasares. 2021, The Astrophysical Journal, 919, 77. (paper link)

  3. "Black Hole Mass Measurements of Radio Galaxies NGC 315 and NGC 4261 Using ALMA CO Observations." B. D. Boizelle, J. L. Walsh, A. J. Barth, D. A. Buote, A. J. Baker, J. Darling, L. C. Ho, J. Cohn, K. M. Kabasares. 2020, The Astrophysical Journal, 881, 10. (paper link)

  4. “Observing Severe Drought Influences on Ozone Air Pollution in California.” M.A.G. Demetillo, J.F. Anderson, J.A. Geddes, X. Yang, E.Y. Najacht, S.A. Herrera, K.M. Kabasares, A.E. Kotsakis, M.T. Lerdau, S.E. Pusede. 2019, Environmental Science & Technology, 53, 9, 4695-4706 (paper link)