End of the Quarter Thoughts

Hello again, I know it’s been quite some time since my last post (~4 months)! Graduate school has been keeping me super busy as usual, and so much has happened since November, I just wish I could get it all out in this one post, but knowing myself, I don’t think that will be likely. Do you ever want to do something but never do because you feel like you want it to be perfect and you’ll do it once you’re sure you have enough time to dedicate to it? Yeah, well, that’s me with a lot of things, but I especially with my blog. It’s those dang perfectionist tendencies of mine that seem to ruin a lot of good ideas for me. I’ve wanted to make more blog posts and YouTube videos, and yet I have this nagging feeling that they need to be absolutely perfect before release. The problem is, that they’ll never quite be that, even with extra time. I think that’s one of the things that hold me back, the fear of doing/being imperfect at something. I think it would do me some good to just, as Nike says, “Just Do it”. Too many times I come up with thoughts and ideas that I would love to see come to fruition, only to get lost to the myriad of “I don’t want to put it out there if it’s not perfect”, or “Yes, but do I REALLY have the time to dedicate to this?” Most of the time, I’d say the answer to the 2nd question is actually yes, but I just have yet to find a way to manage my time on doing side projects and hobbies. I understand as a graduate student that school and research need to be my top priorities, but I think it’s important for me to make time for the things that I like to do such as reading, writing, making YouTube videos, blog posts, etc. While I may not be able to dedicate as much time per day to them as I might my schoolwork, I think that having the diligence and patience to dedicate a little time every day or even every now and then will go a long way.

Kyle Kabasares
  • Physics PhD

  • Data Scientist at the Bay Area Environmental Research Institute at NASA Ames Research Center

  • San Francisco Native


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Pre-Veteran's Day Weekend Reflection